Self Pleasure

Full of skills and touching techniques that will teach you how to pleasure YOUR vulva. This is probably one of the most important workshop you will ever do for yourself.

Sale Ended

On Demand

This workshop is an On Demand video.

Access Period

Access all content until February 28th 11pm. (GMT/Time in Ireland)

Regardless of what date you purchase this workshop access to all content ends on the date specified. Please only purchase this workshop if you can make time to watch it in this time frame. There will be no extensions or exceptions for any reason.

This workshop is open to all although the information is geared towards how to pleasure your own vulva/vagina/yoni.

What will you learn?

Pleasure Mindset for Self Pleasure

When you live in a body that that experiences itself as wanted, desired, and deserving, you inhabit a body that knows that it is deserving of pleasure in any moment. It’s about coming home. It's a pleasurable, sensual connection that reminds us that life is worth living even when we don’t really feel it. Here we will learn the fundamentals of the Pleasure Mindset towards Self Pleasure practices that will help breakdown the sexual scripts that keep you away from fully enjoying your body and instil new scripts that encourage connection, sensation and discovery


  • Moving from shame to self acceptance and productivity to pleasure
  • How to lose Inhibitions (without substances)
  • The importance of the Senses

Body Education & Your own Erotic Practice

Self dating is a pleasure practice that tunes you into your sexuality. It moves you away from the goal of orgasm, the sexual scripts we play, pleasure as a performance & intimately connects you to experiencing a deeper sense of self.

To experience the type of sex you desire w/ others, whatever that may be - connected, fun, playful, esctatic - the first step is to experience this kind of sex with yourself first.


  • Anatomy over in the context of numbness, hypersensitivity & pain during sex
  • Moving from disconnection to connection
  • How to build a simple erotic pleasure practice that is right for you

Touch Techniques

Self pleasure is a practice that allows you to know yourself - fully and more Bodily. Too often we leave our pleasure in the hands on others simply because we have never been taught where to touch or the very simple techniques that can allow you to to take an active role in our sexuality. Here we will learn simple touch techniques that will allow you to establish or deepen the relationship you have with your body.


  • Touch techniques and sequences for numbness, hypersensitivity and disconnection. This will be demonstrated on a fruit and medical model, pants on always…so don’t worry!

All the Details...


On Demand

You will have access to watch it in your own time from

Access all content until February 28th 11pm. (GMT/Time in Ireland)

Regardless of what date you purchase this workshop access to all content ends on the date specified. Please only purchase this workshop if you can make time to watch it in this time frame. There will be no extensions or exceptions for any reason.

What's Inside

Workshop 2hr30mins

60mins - Self Pleasure Education

  • Self Pleasure Mindset
  • Anatomy of your Vulva
  • Function of all the parts

60mins - Self Pleasure Skills

  • Pelvic Floor Breathing Guided Practice
  • Hand Skills - External Pelvic Touch techniques for Arousal
  • Hand Skills - External Touch techniques Vulva
  • Hand Skills - Internal Touch techniques Vulva

30mins - Self Pleasure Q&A


Downloadable Workbook
Sale Ended



This is an on demand workshop with immediate access. Once purchased there will be no refunds given for any reason and no ticket transfers to future events.

  1. Sale Starts Thursday Feb 8th. Newsletter Friends will receive an email at 8am with a private link to the purchase page.
  2. Click the button “buy now.” You will be taken to a sales page. You will see a price, a place to enter your email and card details and the button complete purchase.
  3. Email. Enter a working email address and complete purchase.
  4. Create An Account. If you do not already have an account you will be asking to create one. Enter and email and password. If you have already created an account you will be asked to sign in. You will be taken to your library where you will see the workshop/s you purchased
  5. How to Access. After this initial sign in you can access the courses you purchase on the website during the access period. Every workshop has time frame to watch the workshops in. Please make sure you know the correct dates.

If you having issues please email <>

Will this workshop be recorded?

It is an On Demand workshop. You will have access to the Video until Feb 28th 11pm (GMT/TIME IN IRELAND). No extensions or exceptions. Please do not email asking for an extension.

Will there be nudity?

No. There is never any nudity in workshops. All skills are demostrated on Medical Models and Fruit!

I'm nervous. What can I expect?

This is the most common question I am asked…A lot of people are nervous before they come to one of my workshops for the first time!

On Demand Workshop: This is like tuning into a recorded tv program. You will sign into your Oh! Moment account and it is possible to view the video of the workshop. In the video, you will only see my screen. You will not see the names or screens of the people who participated and you will not see the chat box. I do read out comments in the chat box so the replay experience is just like re-living the live workshop with all the fun, excitement, laughs and learning.

I would like to remain anon, is this possible?

Absolutely. This is an On Demand workshop. The only way someone will know you took part is if you tell them yourself.

Can men attend?

Yes. This is for everyone. Regardless of relationship status or gender. Please note, this workshop is about self pleasure for a vulva owner. Although all skills would be great to apply to your partner if you wish to pleasure her, Gspot may be a better workshop for you to attend.

Can I attend with my partner?

You are welcome to attend with your partner, however this workshop is more geared towards Self Pleasure and pleasuring your own Vulva. Gpsot or Blow would be great partnered workshops to attend together but consider this workshop a gift to yourself!

I cannot attend this date, will you do it again?

On demand workshops return about once a year. As of now there is no plans to hold Gspot again in 2024 but this may change.

I couldn’t watch the workshop in the time frame given, can I view the workshops after the access date?

Unfortunately it is not possible to extend the workshop access period for any reason. The access dates and time frames are clearly displayed on every purchase page, by purchasing a workshop you agree to the terms and conditions of purchasing the digital product and you acknowledge that no extensions or exceptions or ticket transfers to future purchases are given. Due to bandwidth limitations we must limit the amount of participants accordingly. These workshops tend to sell out quickly so we ask people to only purchase the workshops if they know they can view them in the time frame given.

What is the refund policy?

These workshops areon demand. Once purchased there will be no refunds given for any reason and no ticket transfers to future events.

I booked the workshop but have not received the link?

We are no longer sending emails out with the link to the online workshops or replays. This is due to the fact the emails are often blocked or end up in spam and we have no way of knowing who received the email and who did not.

Instead, everything you need will be in your OH!MOMENT accounts. You can login here

Sign in with the email address you used when purchasing your workshops and you will find the links to the online workshops, replays, workbooks and information about your workshops/practices in your account. Please make note of the period of access for your workshops. All workshops/practices have an expiry date.

If you having issues please email <>
