Books That Explore The Power Of Menstruation

Books That Explore The Power Of Menstruation

I believe that the medicine of the future is going to be a hybrid form - one in which people take greater responsibility for their own health, instead of relying exclusively on doctors to make them better, people will seek a stronger understanding of how their bodies work so that they know what they need to do to take care of themselves on a day-to day basis. For most of us Sex education was generally the first and last time we formally learned anything about our bodies and our periods...and well..if it was anything like mine…we all know how good that education was. Below are some of my personal favourites if you are interesting in self-education and empowerment around your cycle.
Enjoy, Jenny x

Woman Code
Author | Alisa Vitti
Well, you can’t talk about period empowerment and not mention Alisa Vitti. A functional nutrionist, she is literally bulldozing a path for women to understand their menstrual cycle. It’s all about decoding your hormones. She is a powerhouse and explains everything in a simple, easy to digest way. Be sure to check out her other book, In The Flo’ to learn how to cycle sync. She also has the most amount of incredible information online from everything to PMS, ENDO and PCOS.
If you are experiencing difficulty with your cycle in anyway, Alisa Vitti will give you hope that you can do something about it.



Period Power
Author | Maisie Hill
Period Power is the handbook to periods and hormones that will leave you wondering why the hell nobody told you this sooner. Straight forward , no-nonsense, practical guide to understanding your cycle. I really enjoyed her cycle strategy on how to identify your personal patterns, powers and pitfalls for each phase of the menstrual cycle.



Wild Power
Author | Alexander Pope
If you want to understand how your menstrual cycle syncs with nature this is it. Wild Power tells a powerful story about feminine power. It tells you how to tune in to the rhythm and changes of your menstrual cycle, Three 'maps' to guide you through the energies, tasks and challenges presented as you journey through each cycle, How to work with your Inner Seasons to pace your energy, calm your nervous system and gain insight into your overall wellbeing and How to work with your cycle to channel spiritual forces, affirm your expression in the world and achieve a deep sense of belonging.
It is a must for my yogi friends.



Her Blood is Gold
Author | Lara Owen
Now if I am honest with you this is one of the first book I read when I was delving into the mysteries of understand my cycle…so I can’t remember it well but I do remember I liked it.
Lara investigates ways to make our periods physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.



Moon Time
Author | Lucy H. Pearce
Mmm, this book shares a fully embodied understanding of your menstrual cycle. Full of practical insights, empowering resources, creative activities and passion, this book will put you back in touch with your body's wisdom.
The book includes fertility charting, creating ceremonies: menarche, mother blessing, menopause, moon phases Expanded and a resource section. (I love a good resource section!)



The Wisdom of Menopause
Author | Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Menopause is such a forgotten time of transformation in a women’s life. What I love about Dr. Northrup is that she has championed the "change" not simply a collection of physical symptoms to be "fixed," but a mind-body revolution that brings the greatest opportunity for growth since adolescence.
Full of valuable information, including breast health guidelines and….my favourite part, sex after 50.
It is a must read.
Happy reading,
Jenny x

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